Bulldozers Fight Fires

By: Joseph Pyon – Reporter

Most people think to fight a fire, there is a need for water and a fire extinguisher. In this situation, that is not the case. Believe it or not, multiple amounts of bulldozers and even aircrafts came to the rescue to fight a fire near New Mexico. According to ABC News, they claim that the fire started on April 6th and that the fire that was being fought has gotten bigger from 103 square miles to 152 square miles. Not only that, but since the fire was massive, it even burned at least 166 homes. Over 1000 fire fighters were assisting with the severity of this kind of fire.

A fire worker helping clean up debris. Photo from http://www.abcnews.com.
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Coyotes Compete at Envirothon

Kavya Walia – Copy Editor

     The Science and Environmental Awareness Club at Centennial participated in a state competition by the name of the Arizona Envirothon on April 8, 2022, at Papago Park in Tempe. Three teams of five students competed on behalf of CeHS.

     This intense competition tests high school students on their knowledge of different aspects of the environment, such as aquatic ecology, water quality, forestry, wildlife management, soil science, land use, and agriculture. Students that competed recently used this knowledge to pose real-world solutions to the challenges the environment faces today, many of which result from climate change. They were judged by professionals in fields relating to environmental science to find methods of turning waste into useful resources.

SEA Club students holding their awards from Envirothon 2021!
Photo provided by Katherine Miskimen
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Transgender Kids In Texas

By: Cleveland Williams III – Copy Editor

Many states have a past of controversial decisions, and Texas is one of them. Not too long ago, Texas passed a law restricting abortion past six weeks of pregnancy, which has seen some critique and judgement. Now, they are focusing on trans youth, and ways to restrict operations and hormone treatments.

     The way Texas wants to restrict trans youth is through the parents. The idea is that the parents that allow their children to get hormone treatments or operations will get reported for child abuse through nurses and everyone around the family. This would likely lead to the child getting separated from their parents, and more abuse down the line to trans youth.

     In response, there has been a lot of talk for and against the news. This comes in several forms, such as social media stances, protests and the polls for/against Governor Greg Abbott, the official who greenlit the order. President Joe Biden critiqued the move, calling it “discriminatory” and liable for “put[ing] children’s lives at risk”.

     Even though Texas gets a lot of coverage for its controversial actions, there are several other states that have tried to, in one way or another, suppress trans youth.

The opposition of discriminatory legislation. Photo provided by pinknews.com.
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Climate Change Continues

By: Cleveland Williams III – Reporter

As technology advances, the amount of pollution and disregard for the environment also advances. While it may have been possible to disregard the potential effects and alarms of climate change several years ago, it is far too obvious to disregard now. One thing NASA has done over the years is a review on the overall temperature increase, and it seems that 2021 was somewhat good compared to 2020.

The basic NASA logo. Photo provided by NASA
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