Life Is Strange, a game that Took the World by Storm

By: Alyssa Mcsorley

Over the years, video games have skyrocketed in popularity. One favored type of video game is choice-based games- meaning the user can choose the storyline of the character. The number of opportunities with different dialogue is exciting to the players of the games. One game series that has struck the hearts of many is Life Is Strange, which includes five different games- Life is Strange: Before the Storm, Life is Strange, Life is strange 2, Life is Strange: True Colors, and the short game that was modeled to be a backstory of a character in LIS2, The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit.

The first game is about a photography senior, Max Claufield, who learns that she can rewind time. Both she and her friend, Chloe, use these powers to try and find out what happened to an old friend who had gone missing. During their search, they find out some dark secrets about the town, Arcadia Bay, and the player can find items that hint to Chloe’s past.  At the end, the player must make a big choice between saving two things that will go on to impact the following game, Life is Strange 2.

The next game, Before the Storm, is the story of Arcadia Bay before the first game took place. Life is Strange 2 is right after that and the previous main characters, Max, and Chloe, are not mentioned. The new protagonists are Sean Diaz and his little brother, Daniel. They travel through the world as fugitives after their dad is accidentally killed in a police encounter. Daniel learns he has similar powers to Max, but his are telekinetic, meaning he can affect things with only his mind. Sean’s choices not only influence him but influence his brother as well.

The remaining games are side stories that intertwine the first two games by giving background information of characters the player meets throughout the games. The Life is Strange series is fast paced, thoughtful, and leaves players thinking about their own relationships. This game soared in popularity and was worth the hours people spent playing.

The Diaz brothers leaving behind their lives In the first chapter of LIS2

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